Courses Certifications
- NDT introductory course (13 hours) in the management of adults with stroke, brain injury and other neuromotor disorders Nov 2022, Karen Guha, Waterloo
- Concussion Rehab-Level 1, May 2022 Shannon McGuire, Toronto
- Advanced Vestibular Rehab Jan 2022 Bernard Tonks, Toronto
- Vestibular Rehab- A comprehensive Introduction(14 Hours) Oct 2021 Bernard Tonks, Toronto
- Corona Virus Disease program/Respiratory Management of people with COVID-19( Online Physiopedia/plus London, UK)
- ADP Authorizer training and Authorization Status, April 2020, MOHLTC, ON
- FIM Training- Dec 2017, CIHI-Canadian Institute for health information
- Post Graduate in Acupuncture and Dry Needling, June 2016, Meridian Health Education, Toronto
- Context of Physiotherapy Practice in Canada, 3 months online, Spring 2014, University of Toronto
- Core Stability Exercise and Training, May 2011 Vinod B, India
- MSK Examination and Taping, January 2011, Alison T & Evan C, Curtin University Australia
- Shoulder Rehabilitation , Nov 2010, D Reed, University of Sydney Australia
- World Physiotherapy Conference, June 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Women's Health Care , November 2009 Mariet Mulders, Belgium
- Arthro-kinematic Approach/ HAKATA Technique, 2009, Kanchan S ,Nepal
Awards and Achievements
- Star Award- Recognition Award , August 2019, SE Health, Mississauga ON
- President-NEPTA, Nepal PT Association, a member of WCPT) 2009-2011
- University 4th Rank 1st Year- Human Bio- Mechanics in Physiotherapy